Tuesday 1 December 2015

Rocking Through Rothenburg

Arrived today in Rothenburg, a beautiful medieval city which was preserved even during World War 2. The town should have been destroyed by American artillery but thanks to the intervention of the US Secretary of War, John McCloy, whose mother had been there in 1914 and loved the city, managed to negotiate the German surrender of the town without any fighting taking place.

Statue of a pilgrim outside a Rothenburg church about to set off on his journey. He seems to be displaying far too much of his rather comely leg. Maybe he intended hitch-hiking on his pilgrimage and wanted to stop traffic.

Example of a typical Rothernburg building.

This rather painful looking mutt appears to be warning dog-owners not to let their dog do their business in front of this garage door.

One of the walking group members was sentenced to an hour in the stocks after other members of the group slanderously accused him of talking too much. After being released he underwent several hours of therapy in a local bar.

After being completely exonerated of the accusations the victim's accusers were sentenced to punishment in this ducking stool.

Rothenburg's dog-owners are constantly reminded to not let their dogs observe them as they perform clean-up.

Example of a typical Rothenburg shopping street.

Example of a typical Rothenburg taxi.

Members of the walking group approaching the Plönlein with Kobolzeller Steige and Spitalgasse (which is really hard to pronounce after downing several glasses of Pils).

Another colourful Rothenburg shopping street.

Close-up of the Plönlein with Kobolzeller Steige and Spitalgasse

Members of the walking group queuing outside the Scottish Shop in the forlorn hope that they can buy some Tunnock's Tea Cakes.

Members of the walking group walking past the Balon Fahrten shop. No, this shop does not sell flatulent balloons, it is a balloon travel company.

While on the subject of travel have a look at this three-wheeler with a globe on top.

Santa Claus with his dog. No of course Santa didn't have reindeer; reindeer can't fly; pigs can fly, dogs can fly, but not reindeer.

Typical Rothenburg chemist's shop.

Rothenburg's teddy shop with a teddy in the top right-hand window blowing soap bubbles down the street.

Rothenburg's night watchman about to set off on his tour around the town, making sure that everyone's doors are locked, that there are no fires burning and that walking group members haven't pillaged the town.

Night watchman with his pike after dispatching some noisy residents.

Night watchman at the end of his tour advertising his DVD of the tour. A very entertaining and informative tour which should be at the top of every Rothenburgs visitor's must-see list.

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