Monday 7 December 2015

Bye-Bye Heidelberg

Sadly we have to say goodbye to Heidelberg and even more sadly I had to say goodbye to the group. We made our fond farewells at Frankfurt and Heathrow airports and I hope we can all meet up again separately and together on future walking holidays.

One of the group tries on her Santa outfit hoping to convince some good little children that they will get their presents on Xmas day.

Heidelberg on another misty morning looking towards the old bridge.

The sun tries to break through the mist to highlight the old bridge.

Walkers on the bridge are highlighted by the morning sun.

The towers on the old bridge catch the morning sun.

The walk leader, angry with the photographer's constant questions, orders him off the bridge.

Old bridge with portcullis.

Colourful bicycles in a beautiful lane.

Colourful plant displays on the balcony add to this beautiful building.

A knight in shining armour stands to attention over this Heidelberg restaurant.

Christmas market displays frame Heidelberg Castle.

You can never have too much Christmas decorations.

Smoker catches the early morning sun.

Heidelberg University 1930's building encloses the 15th Century tower.

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