Sunday 6 December 2015

Last Day in Heidelberg

This is our last full day of the trip so we made a full day of it. We travelled by train out of Heidelberg and then walked back in. After coffee, cake and a rest we went for our last evening meal and made a meal of it.

After leaving the train we crossed the river on our way back to Heidelberg.

Saw this lovely misty view as we crossed the bridge.

Saw this house with four Santas.

The walk leader was pleased to come across this rare Mazda 6. He said they were more rare than 3 Euro coins.
Walkers comparing shadow lengths.

Walkers consult and agree using their GPS receivers.

Now that GPS agrees with GPS we can now set off again.

One of the walkers demonstrates how to pose by a direction stone.

Taking a break for lunch.

Heidi makes her first appearance; perhaps we will see more of her.

Heidelberg coast as the sun sets.

Team members gather for their final evening meal.

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