Tuesday 8 December 2015

Awake in my sleeper

My journey is almost over and I'm almost at Inverness.  One of my group asked me to post photos of my sleeper.

Monday 7 December 2015

Bye-Bye Heidelberg

Sadly we have to say goodbye to Heidelberg and even more sadly I had to say goodbye to the group. We made our fond farewells at Frankfurt and Heathrow airports and I hope we can all meet up again separately and together on future walking holidays.

One of the group tries on her Santa outfit hoping to convince some good little children that they will get their presents on Xmas day.

Heidelberg on another misty morning looking towards the old bridge.

The sun tries to break through the mist to highlight the old bridge.

Walkers on the bridge are highlighted by the morning sun.

The towers on the old bridge catch the morning sun.

The walk leader, angry with the photographer's constant questions, orders him off the bridge.

Old bridge with portcullis.

Colourful bicycles in a beautiful lane.

Colourful plant displays on the balcony add to this beautiful building.

A knight in shining armour stands to attention over this Heidelberg restaurant.

Christmas market displays frame Heidelberg Castle.

You can never have too much Christmas decorations.

Smoker catches the early morning sun.

Heidelberg University 1930's building encloses the 15th Century tower.

Sunday 6 December 2015

Last Day in Heidelberg

This is our last full day of the trip so we made a full day of it. We travelled by train out of Heidelberg and then walked back in. After coffee, cake and a rest we went for our last evening meal and made a meal of it.

After leaving the train we crossed the river on our way back to Heidelberg.

Saw this lovely misty view as we crossed the bridge.

Saw this house with four Santas.

The walk leader was pleased to come across this rare Mazda 6. He said they were more rare than 3 Euro coins.
Walkers comparing shadow lengths.

Walkers consult and agree using their GPS receivers.

Now that GPS agrees with GPS we can now set off again.

One of the walkers demonstrates how to pose by a direction stone.

Taking a break for lunch.

Heidi makes her first appearance; perhaps we will see more of her.

Heidelberg coast as the sun sets.

Team members gather for their final evening meal.

Saturday 5 December 2015

Hi-de-Hi Heidelberg

We went up the local mountain on the funicular railway today. We stopped off at the castle and had a long tour then carried up the mountain on a different funicular railway. After taking a short break we then walked down the whole mountain.

This lovely, early morning scene shows the Christmas Market with the castle on the hill shrouded in mist.

The funicular train on its way to the top.

Several brave group members on their way to the top.

The view from the first level station.

Entrance to the castle.

The group admire the castle.

Some of the castle remains an empty shell.

One of the group members is impressed with the size of the biggest wine barrel in the world (or so we thought...)

And then we saw this one.

Turned out that this is one the biggest wine barrels in the world. Group members look down from above.

Other group members stand at the bottom in awe.

On the wall opposite the barrel is a giant wooden plane and compass which may have been used in the making of the barrel or maybe not.

View from on top of the barrel.

Group members make their way down from the barrel top.

Another member tries the barrel out for size.

The walk leader pulls on a lever and is attacked by a cuddly toy.

Another view of the giant plane and compass.

View from the castle of the misty river.

Misty Heidelberg shot from the castle walls.

Another member tries to see the mist for the trees.

Here are the mist and trees he was trying to observe.

Another view of Heidelberg.

A pair of hands photographs the river.

Castle building and tower.

Visitors admire the castle.

Castle pharmacy.

Another pharmacy view.

Various animals, including blowfish, used in the preparation of medicines.

Group member rings the night pharmacy bell to summon the night pharmacist but no one appeared.

One of the pharmacy preparation rooms.

More mysterious machines to produce medicines.

View of pharmacy room complete with alligator and unicorn.

Customer arrives with prescription.

Lower preparation room.

Couple examine pharmacy containers.

Castle exterior.

Chef checks progress of barbecued salmon.

2nd stage railway carriage arrives.

Female driver begins ascent.

Group member confirms that train is on the right track after consulting his GPS device.

Group member describes how she would drive the train.

Group member decides that the train is about to collide with down train and considers what to do.

Down train changes direction at the last minute so avoiding a terrible collision.

Driver makes final approach.

View from the top.

Communications tower at the top of the mountain.

Tree sculpture bears a heavy load of rubbish.

Group makes steady progress back downhill.

Old bridge at dusk.

Bridge from the other side.

Bridge with towers.

Dad tows his two young children through the Christmas market.

Delicious burgers and sausages being sold at the Christmas market.