Sunday 29 November 2015

It was a rainy day in Wurzburg...

Sorry for the small amount of photos today but it rained all day and the light was bad and it's going to rain tomorrow but at least you get to see the group (or most of them).

This is the crypt under the cathedral containing the remains of three Irish missionaries who are now saints.

This is a model of what Wurzburg looked after 90% of it was destroyed by RAF bombers in March 1945. You can see the walk leader along with our tour guide for the day

This must be one of the most specialised retail establishments in the world. It makes and sells tassels.

This beautiful restaurant is underneath Wurzburg's town hall (Rathaus)

These are the toilet signs in the restaurant today - any idea which one is female and which one is female? Answers on a postcard please or just leave a comment in the blog.

This is a photograph of the walking group at tonight's restaurant minus one hidden face who wishes to remain anonymous. Also can you spot which member of the group is the troublemaker?

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