Saturday 28 November 2015

First Day in Wurzburg

Our Hotel in Wurzburg

This happy chap guards the entrance to the Christmas Market. He looks happy because he is carrying a large beer stein (or it could be a flask of coffee - can't imagine that making anyone happy)

Another shot of the entrance to the Christmas Market

The market has a range of Christmas related trinkets, food and wine

This stall has a mixture of confectionary and gluhwein (more on that later)

More Christmas confectionary

Can't remember the name of this breed of dog (comments are welcome) but he was absolutely gorgeous

Did you realise that this Christmas Market blog was going to have so many photos of Christmas Markets?

Now back to the gluhwein... Gluhwein is a hot (incredibly hot) red wine suffused with spices served in a cup which you can keep if you don't want your deposit back

Here is a photo of my gluhwein (I returned the cup)

Just one more photo to captivate you

Colourful tram passing the market

Alter Kranen (I think it means old crane) is very old,  about 250 years old. You can see the Fortress Marienberg in the distance

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